Talking Point: Smear Tests
In January last year, I received the letter. You know, the one all women dread landing on their doorstep when they hit the grand old age of 25? I’d given birth six weeks earlier, so the thought of anybody poking around made me feel incredibly anxious. I was still ridiculously sore from my caesarean, and if I’m being totally honest, it was a bit of a mess down there. It was an enormous relief to me when I called to book an appointment, and was told by my doctor that my smear was being delayed for a couple of months, to allow me more time to physically recover from childbirth.…
Worth a Try: Olaplex – The Best Hair Product I Have Ever Used
I grew up with a younger sister and two cousins who all had the most beautiful, thick, long hair. Meanwhile, my own was wispy and fine, prone to breakage and never seemed to grow past a certain length – that length being my shoulders at a push. My hair has been on quite a journey. Throughout my teens, I used straighteners and curling wands excessively, regularly and without any form of heat protection. I used cheap, nasty hair extensions and backcombed my own hair within an inch of its life. I remember my mum, who is an incredibly talented professional hairdresser, begging me to bin them. But obviously at 16,…
How I lost Weight After Giving Birth
I feel it’s important that I start this post by making it clear that I never had the intention of losing weight quickly after having Theo. It just wasn’t on my agenda. I have spent so much of my adult life trying to slim down, and have tried everything from detox teas (which I strongly advise against), laxatives (so dangerous) and of course the traditional and ONLY safe and effective methods – healthy eating and regular exercise. But I’m human. I love chocolate and I certainly don’t want to spend every single second of my free time in the gym. So, like most women, my weight has fluctuated in a…
I’m Back and I’m a Mummy!
As I write this post, my beautiful son Theo (aka Teddy) is fast asleep beside me with his little clasped fist resting on my leg. It feels so surreal to type those words – my son. It feels even more surreal to say them out loud. I. Am. A. Mummy. Surreal, but the most magical feeling in the entire world. Nothing and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I started blogging when I was 19 and although I loved writing (and it’s just as well, since my writing pays my share of the bills) I never really knew what to write about. Nine-to-five, seven days a week, I had it…